Tummy Tuck (Abdominolplasty)

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that addresses the issue of loose skin and excess fat in the mid-abdomen. This cosmetic surgery removes the unwanted tissue under and around the belly button, as well as repairing any weaknesses in the anterior abdominal wall.

How Tummy tuck is performed in Turkey?

When undergoing an abdominoplasty, your surgeon will make a discreet incision between the belly button and pubic bone, designed to be hidden by underwear or a bikini bottom.
The length of the incision will vary depending on the extent of excess skin that needs to be removed. Once the surgery is complete, your surgeon will close the incision using sutures or adhesives, providing you with personalized post-op care instructions to ensure proper healing.
If you choose to combine your tummy tuck with liposuction, this may require some adjustments to the surgical process. This combined procedure is ideal for those who struggle with persistent stomach fat and excess skin that persists despite diet and exercise efforts.

What are the types of Tummy tuck in Turkey?

1Fully Tummy Tuck
For individuals seeking to achieve a flatter, more contoured midsection, a Full Tummy Tuck may be the ideal solution. This surgical procedure is designed to address both the upper and lower abdomen, offering a comprehensive solution for those with weakened abdominal muscles or excess skin in the area. The procedure typically involves:
• Creating a discreetly placed incision around the belly button, resulting in an "innie" belly button appearance.
• Positioning a low-profile incision along the waistline, designed to be easily concealed by underwear or swimwear.
• Removing the necessary amount of skin to achieve a smoother, more toned appearance.
• Tightening the abdominal muscles to provide enhanced support and definition.
2Mini Tummy Tuck
If you're looking to address concerns specific to the lower abdomen, a Mini Tummy Tuck may be the perfect solution. Unlike a Full Tummy Tuck, this procedure focuses on the area below the belly button, making it ideal for individuals who are troubled by a "pooch" or loose skin in this area. Typically, patients who undergo a Mini Tummy Tuck are near their ideal weight, but have struggled to eliminate stubborn fat and skin in the pubic area despite consistent exercise and dieting. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons recommends the following steps for a Mini Tummy Tuck:
• Creating a small horizontal incision between the hipbones
• Removing excess skin and fat
• Tightening underlying muscles to achieve a smoother, more toned appearance

It's important to note that a Mini Tummy Tuck does not involve repositioning the belly button, as it does not address issues above the belly button. With this procedure, healthy patients typically recover within two weeks, although strenuous activities should be avoided for at least six weeks post-surgery.
3Extended Tummy Tuck
For those who have achieved significant weight loss and are looking to sculpt their body, an Extended Tummy Tuck can be a transformative procedure. This comprehensive treatment combines the benefits of a Full Tummy Tuck with additional improvements to the flanks, allowing patients to achieve a more defined and toned silhouette.

Typically, candidates for an Extended Tummy Tuck have excess skin hanging from their upper and lower abdomen and flanks, which can weigh several pounds, as well as significant laxity in their abdominal muscles. To achieve their desired body contour, these patients may also benefit from liposuction procedures targeting the hips, love handles, and flanks.

The Extended Tummy Tuck procedure requires a longer incision compared to a Full Tummy Tuck, but the post-operative scar can often be concealed by clothing or swimsuits, allowing patients to feel confident and comfortable in their new body.
4Lipoabdominoplasty (Tummy tuck with Liposuction)
For those seeking to achieve a more defined and proportionate body shape, liposuction can be a powerful tool in conjunction with a tummy tuck. While a tummy tuck tightens loose skin and repairs separated muscles, liposuction excels at removing stubborn fat from targeted areas, allowing for a more sculpted and shapely silhouette.

Consider the benefits of combining these two procedures: by targeting multiple areas simultaneously, you can achieve a more comprehensive transformation. For example, if you're opting for a tummy tuck to achieve a flat and firm abdomen, adding liposuction to the mix allows you to also contour your waist, thighs, or back. This multi-faceted approach can result in an hourglass figure that you've always desired.

The advantages of combining liposuction with your tummy tuck are numerous. By having both procedures done at once, you can enjoy a shorter overall recovery time compared to undergoing each treatment separately. Additionally, liposuction provides the option to harvest fat for use in other areas of your body, such as breast or buttock augmentation.

Who are suitable for Tummy tuck in Turkey?

For those struggling with excess skin and fat in their abdominal area, weakened abdominal muscles, and a desire to complete their family planning, abdominoplasty may be an ideal solution.
To achieve optimal results, it's essential to have a stable weight, good overall health, and a healthy lifestyle.
But who is a good candidate for this procedure? If you're bothered by stubborn skin laxity, fat deposits, or weakened muscles in your abdomen, and you meet the above criteria, you may be an excellent candidate for abdominoplasty. By addressing these concerns through surgery, this operation can improve the contour of your abdomen and boost your confidence in your appearance.

Is it safe to have Tummy tuck in Turkey?

Tummy tuck is a proven safe procedure that has been commonly implemented for many years. However, as with any surgery, it carries certain risks. According to a study published in the Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the success rate for abdominoplasty is impressively high. While individual procedures may differ in their specifics, the overall complication rate for this surgery is remarkably low, with only 4% of cases experiencing adverse outcomes.
The important thing to consider here is a healthcare team that will guide you in line with your wishes.

The field of plastic surgery is very broad. Not all doctors may have equal experience and skills in all areas. Therefore, when choosing your doctor, you should question his/her expertise and experience in ‘Body contouring’

What are the risks or side effects of Tummy tuck in Turkey?

Abdominoplasty possible complications can be broadly categorized into four main areas:
- Haematoma,
- Infection,
- Skin necrosis,
- Venous thromboembolism
Each of these complications has its own unique characteristics and risk factors.

Haematoma occurs when bleeding under the skin collects and clots.
Infection is the second most common complication, affecting 1-4% of patients, and is caused by factors such as smoking, high BMI, and diabetes.
Skin necrosis occurs when there is inadequate blood supply to the skin overlying the abdomen, and can be prevented by avoiding smoking before and after surgery.
Venous thromboembolism is a rare but serious complication that affects 0.3-1.1% of patients, causing blood clots in the legs or lungs, and can be prevented by following mobility guidelines after surgery.

How long does it take to recover from Tummy tuck in Turkey?

The tummy tuck recovery process can be divided into three distinct phases, each with its own set of characteristics and milestones.

In the initial phase, patients can expect significant swelling, discomfort, and bruising after the procedure. This phase is crucial for rest and recovery, and it's essential to avoid vigorous activities. While some patients may be able to return to desk jobs within two weeks, it's recommended to wait for six to eight weeks before resuming physically demanding jobs. By the end of this phase, patients should be able to walk upright and start feeling more comfortable.

The second phase, which typically lasts three to four months, marks a significant improvement in overall comfort and appearance. Most patients will have reduced swelling, discomfort, and bruising, and can fit into smaller clothing. This phase is also when surgeon may clear patients to resume exercising, which is essential for maintaining the results of the tummy tuck. Patients will also be able to lift heavy objects without assistance.

In the final phase, which can take up to a year or more, incisions continue to heal and fade. Patients will eventually achieve the flatter, toned belly they've been working towards. With patience and proper care, this phase marks the culmination of the tummy tuck recovery process.

What is the ideal age for Tummy tuck in Turkey?

Although there is no clear answer, ideal candidates should be as close to their ideal weight as possible and have no plans for further pregnancies. Additionally, patients in their 50s or 60s who are considering a tummy tuck should prioritize a healthy lifestyle and be at or near their ideal weight to maximize the effectiveness of the procedure. By doing so, they can enjoy the best possible outcomes and minimize the risk of complications.

What to expect after Tummy tuck in Turkey?

The physical aftermath of a tummy tuck procedure can be managed with proper care and guidance. Immediately following surgery, patients can expect some degree of swelling and bruising, which typically subsides over time. To alleviate initial swelling, drains may be used, and compression garments must be worn for several weeks to minimize its effects.

Pain and discomfort are also common symptoms during the recovery period. Initially, patients may experience numbness and a range of sensations as the body adjusts to the procedure. With time, feeling will return, and discomfort will ease. To manage pain, your plastic surgeon can provide options.

To ensure a smooth recovery, it's crucial to take at least two to three weeks off from work or school and limit physical activity during this period. You should also follow the guidance provided by your plastic surgeon. If you have children, make arrangements for someone to care for them, as you'll be unable to lift them or engage in heavy activities for a few weeks. Additionally, refrain from exercise, driving, and other strenuous activities until cleared by your doctor.

Finally, it's essential to understand that scarring is an unavoidable part of the tummy tuck procedure. However, with full recovery, your scar will typically become less noticeable over time.

How much does it cost to have Tummy tuck in Turkey?

  • Price Range in Turkey: 2.500 – 4.000 EUR
  • Price Range in UK: 5.000 - 10.000 GBP
  • Price Range in US: 7.000 - 15.000 USD

Why choose Elan to have Tummy tuck in Turkey?

At Elan, we understand the importance of providing exceptional care and support to our clients throughout their medical travel journey. When you choose Elan for Facelift, you can expect,

  • Access to renowned and experienced surgeons who specialize in Facial Plastic Surgeries.
  • State-of-the-art medical facilities equipped with advanced technology.
  • Personalized assistance with travel arrangements, accommodation, and post-operative care.
  • Affordable and transparent pricing options.
  • A dedicated team committed to ensuring your comfort, safety, and satisfaction.

Quick facts of Tummy Tuck in Turkey

  • Procedure: Surgeon will make a discreet incision between the belly button and pubic bone, designed to be hidden by underwear or a bikini bottom.
  • Duration: 2 to 5 hours
  • Stay: 1-2 nights hotel 6 nights Hotel Accomodation.
  • Anesthesia: General Anesthesia
  • Recovery: After 2-3 weeks can go back to work
  • Clothes to Wear: Comfortable clothes (sweatshirts, button-down or zipped shirt etc.)
  • Side Effects: Bruising, swelling, Scarring, Soreness
  • Exercise: After 5-6 weeks
  • Scars: Yes, under bikini line
  • Pain: Mild
  • Results: Swelling will ease after 7 to 15 days and final results reveal between 8 to 12 months
  • Combined Procedures: Breast Augmentation, Breast Reduction , Breast Lift , Liposuction