Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a surgical procedure that aims to aid weight loss in individuals with obesity. It involves the removal of a large portion of the stomach to create a smaller, sleeve-shaped stomach. This reduction in stomach size helps limit food intake and promotes a feeling of fullness, leading to weight loss. In addition to reducing the size of the stomach, this procedure is also include removing the hunger hormone (Ghrelin) located just above the stomach valve. Thus, a high level of weight loss is experienced in a short time, along with the reduced stomach and the decrease in the feeling of hunger.

How Gastric Sleeve Surgery is performed in Turkey?

Gastric sleeve surgery is conducted while the patient is under general anesthesia. Typically, this procedure is carried out using minimally invasive keyhole (laparoscopic) techniques and lasts between 60 and 90 minutes.
During the operation, the surgeon employs a stapling device to form a narrow tube or 'sleeve' within the stomach, subsequently removing the remaining portion (%70-80) of the stomach.
By removing majority of the stomach, the body’s production of ghrelin, known as the “hunger hormone,” is significantly reduced. Consequently, many individuals experience a notable decrease in appetite following sleeve gastrectomy. Additionally, ghrelin influences blood sugar metabolism, leading to an immediate reduction in the need for diabetes medications (particularly oral ones) in people with type II diabetes after undergoing the procedure.

Who are suitable for Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery is typically recommended for individuals who meet certain criteria and have been unable to achieve sustainable weight loss through non-surgical methods such as diet and exercise. While each case is unique and should be evaluated by a healthcare professional, here are general guidelines for individuals who may be considered suitable candidates for gastric sleeve surgery



1Body mass index (BMI):
Gastric sleeve surgery is typically recommended for individuals with a BMI of 40 or higher (severe obesity) or a BMI of 35-39.9 (obesity) with obesity-related health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or sleep apnea. However, the specific BMI cutoffs may vary based on individual circumstances and regional guidelines.
2Failed attempts at non-surgical weight loss:
Candidates for gastric sleeve surgery should have made previous attempts at weight loss through diet, exercise, and other non-surgical interventions without achieving significant and sustainable results.
3Absence of medical contraindications:
Candidates should be in overall good health and free from medical conditions that may pose excessive risks during surgery or the recovery period. Common contraindications may include severe heart or lung disease, bleeding disorders, uncontrolled psychiatric conditions, or active substance abuse.
4Psychological evaluation:
Candidates typically undergo a psychological evaluation to assess their readiness for the surgery and their ability to cope with the emotional and psychological changes that may accompany significant weight loss.
5Age considerations:
Age alone does not disqualify someone from gastric sleeve surgery. However, the procedure is generally recommended for individuals who have reached skeletal maturity, which is typically around the age of 18. Exceptions may be made for adolescents who have severe obesity and obesity-related health complications.

It's important to note that these criteria serve as general guidelines, and the final decision regarding candidacy for gastric sleeve surgery should be made after a comprehensive evaluation by a qualified healthcare professional. They will assess your individual health status, weight history, lifestyle factors, and specific goals to determine the most appropriate treatment options for your unique situation.

Body Mass Index Calculator

What are the risks or side effects of Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey?

Gastric sleeve surgery, like any surgical procedure, carries risks and potential complications. It's essential to be aware of these risks and take necessary precautions to minimize them. Here are some possible complications associated with gastric sleeve surgery

There is a risk of infection at the incision sites or within the abdominal cavity. Precautions include sterile surgical techniques, proper wound care, and the appropriate use of antibiotics.
Bleeding can occur during or after the surgery. The surgical team takes precautions to control bleeding during the procedure. In some cases, additional interventions may be required to address excessive bleeding.
Leakage of stomach contents from the staple line can occur, leading to infection or other complications. Precautions such as proper technique and reinforcement of the staple line are taken to minimize the risk of leaks. Monitoring for signs of leakage post-surgery and prompt intervention if detected is crucial.
Narrowing or tightening of the remaining stomach (stomal stenosis) can occur, making it difficult to pass food through. Regular follow-up appointments and appropriate dietary modifications can help detect and manage strictures.
5Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD):
Some individuals may experience increased acid reflux or heartburn symptoms after surgery. Precautions include pre-operative evaluation and appropriate management of pre-existing GERD, as well as post-operative dietary and lifestyle modifications to minimize symptoms.
6Nutritional deficiencies:
After gastric sleeve surgery, individuals may be at risk of nutrient deficiencies due to reduced food intake and malabsorption. Precautions involve close monitoring of nutritional status, regular follow-up with a dietitian, and adherence to prescribed vitamin and mineral supplementation regimens.
7Dumping syndrome:
Rapid emptying of stomach contents into the small intestine can cause symptoms such as nausea, weakness, sweating, and diarrhea. Precautions involve eating small, frequent meals, avoiding high-sugar or high-fat foods, and properly chewing food to minimize the risk of dumping syndrome.

It's important to note that complications are relatively rare, and the majority of gastric sleeve surgeries are successful with favorable outcomes. However, it is crucial to choose an experienced surgeon and follow all pre-operative and post-operative instructions carefully to reduce the risks associated with the procedure. Regular follow-up appointments and open communication with your healthcare team are vital for monitoring your progress, addressing any concerns promptly, and ensuring a successful recovery.

What are the benefits of Gastric Sleeve in Turkey?

Gastric sleeve surgery, like any surgical procedure, carries risks and potential complications. It's essential to be aware of these risks and take necessary precautions to minimize them. Here are some possible complications associated with gastric sleeve surgery

1Immediate Effectiveness
The gastric sleeve begins working right away by making you feel full sooner and reducing your appetite. Once the sleeve is in place, only small amounts of food can pass through, leading to weight loss.
2Sustained Weight Loss
While long-term success depends on lifestyle choices, individuals with a gastric sleeve often achieve sustained weight loss. Research indicates that most maintain a 51% to 54% weight loss for over a decade after surgery.
3Less Invasive
The gastric sleeve procedure is minimally invasive, performed laparoscopically through small incisions using a thin tube with a camera. Unlike gastric bypass, it doesn't require a large incision or rerouting the intestines, resulting in quicker, less painful recovery and fewer complications. It may also be safer for those with high-risk medical conditions.
4Reduced Appetite
The sleeve not only makes you feel full faster but also reduces the production of the hunger hormone ghrelin by removing part of the stomach, leading to decreased hunger.
5Significant Weight Loss
Gastric sleeve surgery is a highly effective weight loss method, with patients typically losing 60% to 80% of their excess body weight.
6Lower Risk of Weight-Related Health Issues
Gastric sleeve surgery significantly lowers the risk of various weight-related and some non-obesity-related conditions, including high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, heart attack, cancer, gout, obstructive sleep apnea, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
7No Foreign Objects
Unlike the Lap-Band, which uses a silicone band around the stomach, the gastric sleeve does not involve any foreign objects, eliminating risks such as scar tissue, persistent nausea, discomfort, slippage, and erosion.
8Permanent Solution
The alterations made to the stomach with the gastric sleeve are permanent, unlike the Lap-Band, which often requires adjustments, especially in the first year.
9Enhanced Emotional Well-Being
Weight loss can improve emotional health by alleviating depression associated with obesity, social stigma, and poor body image. Gastric sleeve surgery has been shown to significantly reduce depression.
10Boost in Self-Esteem and Confidence
Gastric sleeve surgery and weight loss, in general, can enhance self-esteem and confidence. Studies show that patients report increased self-esteem and confidence post-surgery, enabling them to try new activities.

What are the disadvantages of Gastric Sleeve in Turkey? 

  • Its an irreversible procedure.
  • Can cause acid reflux or heart burn.
  • Indigestion, nausea, diarrhea and stomach obstruction can be seen due to change on the size of the stomach after the procedure.
  • Possibility of stomach expansion over time.
  • Nutritient and vitamin defficiency due to eating less than usual.

What to expect after Gastric Sleeve in Turkey?

You'll probably be discharged from the hospital 3 to 4 days after surgery. Initially, you'll be on a liquid diet for the first week or two. Your surgical team will provide a meal plan for the following weeks, transitioning from liquids to pureed foods, then soft foods, and eventually to regular food. Each meal should be very small. Eat slowly and chew thoroughly. Avoid moving too quickly to regular food to prevent pain and vomiting. Collaborate with your healthcare team to determine the best foods for you. Once your stomach heals, you'll need to adopt new eating habits, consuming small meals to suit your smaller stomach.

 After weight-loss surgery, you might struggle to get enough vitamins and minerals due to reduced food intake and nutrient absorption. You may need a daily multivitamin and a calcium-vitamin D supplement. Additional nutrients, such as vitamin B-12 or iron, might also be necessary. Your healthcare team will provide specific instructions.

You'll need regular blood tests every few months during the first year after surgery to ensure you don't have low blood iron (anemia), high blood glucose, or low calcium or vitamin D levels. If you experience heartburn, you might need medication to reduce stomach acid.

Although you'll lose weight after surgery, there's a chance of regaining some of it. To avoid this, maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly. The sleeve may expand over time, allowing you to eat more. Remember, eating excessively can lead to weight regain. Consider joining a weight-loss surgery support group to help maintain your new eating habits. Ask your healthcare provider for a list of trustworthy resources.

How much weight can be lost & when can the target weight be reached with Gastric Sleeve in Turkey?

Your weight loss progression after gastric sleeve surgery will vary based on factors such as your initial weight, dietary habits post-surgery, age, lifestyle, and pre-existing health conditions. On average, patients can anticipate losing between 4 to 8 kg (8 to 16 pounds) per month. Here is a typical weight loss timeline for patients following gastric sleeve surgery:

1First Month
During the first month, most individuals achieve or surpass the expected monthly weight loss. The diet primarily consisting of liquids and pureed foods after surgery accelerates weight loss. Typically, you might shed around 2.5 kg /5 pounds per week.
2Three Months
By the third month, you will have shifted from a liquid diet to solid foods, and your body will have recovered sufficiently to allow for physical activities. On average, you could lose about 25-35% of your excess weight, equating to approximately 14 to 18 kg. (30 to 40 pounds)
3Six Months
Six months post-surgery, weight loss continues at a slower rate. By this stage, you are likely to have lost around 45-55% of your excess weight, averaging about 0.5 to 1.5kg. (1-2 pounds per week)
4One Year
At the one-year mark, you should be nearing your target weight if you haven't already achieved it. By this point, most patients lose about 65-75% of their excess weight. Significant improvements in weight-related health issues are also typically observed.
518 Months and Beyond
After 18 months, weight loss generally stabilizes. In most cases, patients lose up to 80% or more of their excess weight by this time.

How much does Gastric Sleeve cost in Turkey?

• Price Range in Turkey: 2.500 - 4.000 EUR

• Price Range in UK: 7.000 - 11.000 GBP

• Price Range in US: 17.000 - 26.000 USD

Why choose Elan to have Gastric Sleeve in Turkey?

At Elan, we understand the importance of providing exceptional care and support to our clients throughout their medical travel journey. When you choose Elan for Gastric Sleeve surgery, you can expect,

  • Access to renowned and experienced surge ons who specialize in Bariatric Procedures.
  • State-of-the-art medical facilities equipped with advanced technology.
  • Personalized assistance with travel arrangements, accommodation, and post-operative care.
  • Affordable and transparent pricing options.
  • A dedicated team committed to ensuring your comfort, safety, and satisfaction.

Quick facts of Gastric Sleeve in Turkey

  • Procedure: It is performed by laparoscopic method by cutting most of the stomach with a stapler tool without any deep incision.
  • Duration: 1 to 2 Hours
  • Stay: 4 Nights Hospital Accomodation
  • Anesthesia: General Anesthesia
  • Recovery: 3-4 days to discharge, 1-2 weeks to back to work (depending on each patient’s medical condition)
  • Clothes to Wear: Comfortable clothes (sweatshirts, button-down or zipped shirt etc.)
  • Side Effects: (Possible) Diarrhea, Gas, Bloating, Vomiting, Nausea, Dehydration,Constipation, Fatigue, Hair loss, Ulcer, Malnutrition
  • Exercise: After 6-8 weeks
  • Scars: Small incisions
  • Pain: Depending on the patient, mild.
  • Results: On average 70-80 % of excess weight loss in one year
  • Combined Procedures: Fixation of hietal hernia