Beard Transplantation

The successful results that have come with the advanced technology in hair transplantation have also solved the problem of beardlessness, which is another important issue for men. Beard Transplant is a simple procedure that uses same methodology of FUE hair transplant where the strong follicles are extracted from donor area (back of the hair) and implanted to the area in need.  While maximum graft is important in hair transplantation, more personal preferences and aesthetic expectations are at the forefront in beard transplantation. For this reason, doctors meticulously achieve the most personalized aesthetic result according to the patient's expectations.

How Beard Transplant applied in Turkey?

Beard transplant method employs a specialized trumpet punch, smaller than 1mm wide, to delicately extract hair grafts from donor area. After obtaining these suitable hairs, they undergo precise trimming at high magnification to ensure a consistent size before being implanted into the desired facial area.

How long does Beard Transplant take in Turkey?

Although it varies depending on persons need, beard transplantation takes an average 4-6 hours.

How safe to have Beard Transplant in Turkey?

The risks associated with a facial hair transplant and beard restoration are akin to those of any hair transplant procedure. The likelihood of encountering complications is minimal, and discomfort typically subsides within a few days post-surgery. The majority of men can resume work shortly after undergoing a beard transplant surgery.

What are the possible side effects of Beard Transplant in Turkey?

We can list the side effects or what we may encounter after Beard Transplant:

  • Swelling
  • Itching
  • Numbness
  • Bruising
  • Scarring

It's important to highlight that these side effects level may show differences on each patient. You will be guided by the doctors for medication consumption.

How much does it cost to have Beard Transplant in Turkey?

  • Price Range in Turkey: 2.500 - 4.500 EUR
  • Price Range in UK: 4.000 - 8.000 GBP
  • Price Range in US: 7.000 - 15.000 USD

Quick facts of Beard Transplant in Turkey

  • Procedure: Taking individual hair grafts from the back or the sides of the head (donor area) and transplant into to balding parts (recipient area).
  • Duration: 4 to 6 Hours
  • Stay: 3 Nights Hotel Accomodation
  • Anesthesia: Local Anesthesia
  • Shaving: Yes (trim after 3 weeks- shave after 3 months)
  • Recovery: 2 to 4 days to return daily routine
  • Clothes to Wear: Comfortable clothes (sweatshirts, button-down or zipped shirt etc.)
  • Side Effects: No
  • Exercise: After 2-3 weeks
  • Facial Wash: After 12 days
  • Scars: No
  • Pain: None to slight
  • Results: Permanent (%99 success rate)
  • Combined Procedures: Hair Transplant,Gastric Balloon,Dental Treatments