Facelift (Rhytidectomy)

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How Facelift in Turkey is performed?

Depending on the type of facelift there are different incisions paths to follow. Possible incisions will be made through:
• Hairline at the temple
• Around the ears
• At the lower scalp
• Under the chin
The size of the incisions will also depend on the specific type of facelift.
2The Procedure
Facelifts typically involve repositioning or removing facial skin and fat, as well as tightening facial muscles. Depending on the type of facelift, your surgeon might perform one or all of these actions. You and your surgeon will go over the procedure thoroughly before your surgery.
The incisions can be closed with dissolvable stitches, undissolvable stitches that require removal after several days or skin glue.

What are the types of Facelift Surgery in Turkey?

Facelift surgeries come in several types, each targeting specific areas of the face and neck:

1Traditional Facelift:
This procedure involves incisions made around the ears, hairline, and beneath the chin. The surgeon lifts and tightens facial muscles and supporting structures, removes excess fat from the neck and jowls, repositions the skin naturally over the face, and trims away any surplus skin. It's typically recommended for significant improvement in moderate to severe facial aging.
2SMAS Facelift (SMAS Rhytidectomy):
Focusing on the lower two-thirds of the face, this surgery tightens the SMAS layer (superficial musculoaponeurotic system), addresses excess skin and fat in the cheeks and lower face, and is a variation of the traditional facelift.
3Deep Plane Facelift
This technique involves lifting the SMAS, fat, and skin as a single unit to address multiple facial areas simultaneously.
Targeting the cheek area, this procedure repositions cheek fat and tightens cheek skin.
A less invasive procedure concentrating on the lower face and neck, often recommended for younger patients with early signs of facial sagging.
6Cutaneous (Skin) Facelift:
This procedure focuses solely on the skin, typically addressing the neck and lower face. Facelift surgeries often include simultaneous procedures such as:
 Blepharoplasty (eyelid lift)
 Rhinoplasty (nose job)
 Facial implants
 Brow lift
 Liquid facelift using injectable dermal fillers
 Jawline rejuvenation
 Chemical peel
 Laser skin resurfacing

Who are suitable for Facelift in Turkey?

Candidates who experience:

  • Sagging skin on the face
  • Deep fold or crease lines on nasolabial area
  • Droppiness on cheeks and/or jaws
  • Loose skin and extra fat on neck
  • Candidates who are physically and mentally healthy and ready for the procedure
  • Candidates who does not smoke

It should not be forgotten that, Facelifts are cosmetic procedures designed to restore appearance and cannot alter your fundamental look or halt aging. They are not intended for treating surface wrinkles, sun damage, or skin discolorations. Each facelift is highly personalized, tailored to the individual's facial features and desired outcomes.

Is it safe to have Facelift in Turkey?

Facelift is a proven safe procedure that has been commonly implemented for many years. However, as with any surgery, it carries certain risks. The important thing to consider here is a healthcare team that will guide you in line with your wishes.
The field of plastic surgery is very broad. Not all doctors may have equal experience and skills in all areas. Therefore, when choosing your doctor, you should question his/her expertise and experience in ‘facial surgeries’

What are the possible risks and complications of Facelift in Turkey?

Although rare, facelift surgery carries a risk of infection due to the incisions made, which can introduce bacteria.
2Bleeding or Hematoma
One of the most common complications is hematoma, where blood collects under the skin, causing swelling and pressure in the affected area.
Despite efforts to minimize scarring, it is inevitable after facelift surgery. However, scars often fade over time and can be concealed with makeup or hair.
A buildup of fluid beneath the skin, appearing as a swollen lump or cyst, may develop after surgery. This fluid accumulation, known as a seroma, can occur days or weeks after the procedure, especially in areas where tissue has been manipulated
5Nerve Injury
While uncommon, nerve injuries can occur during surgery, potentially affecting sensation or muscle control in the face.
6Unsatisfactory Results
Although facelifts generally provide positive outcomes, there is a possibility that the results may not meet expectations, necessitating additional procedures and potentially increasing overall costs.

How long does it take to recover from Facelift Surgery in Turkey?

Post-surgery, most patients can expect to regain their ability to smile and make normal facial expressions within 1-2 weeks, though some may take 3-5 weeks. Any asymmetry in the lips or mouth usually resolves gradually over time. It's important to recognize that each patient's healing process is unique and individualized. Throughout your recovery process, your medical team will be there to support you and address any questions or concerns.
For most patients with sedentary jobs, returning to work and normal activities is feasible around two weeks after surgery. Those with physically demanding occupations may require additional recovery time, as advised by their surgeon. It's important to avoid strenuous exercise, contact sports, and activities that could cause facial trauma for up to six weeks. Patients can choose to resume social activities based on their comfort level, but should take precautions to avoid direct sunlight and harmful UV rays.

What is the ideal age for Facelift in Turkey?

Facelift surgery is commonly associated with older individuals in their 50s or 60s, but opting for the procedure at a younger age offers distinct advantages. When addressing early signs of aging, a facelift in younger patients does not require extensive muscle and tissue repositioning, resulting in more subtle rejuvenation. This approach effectively reverses facial aging, providing a natural and youthful appearance without the pronounced changes needed later in life. Many individuals prefer this approach to avoid drastic alterations, opting instead for periodic touch-ups to maintain a refreshed and energized look.
Another benefit of undergoing a facelift at a younger age is a potentially faster healing process and less noticeable scars, as younger skin tends to regenerate more rapidly and comprehensively compared to older skin. Younger patients typically require less invasive procedures due to less sagging and better natural elasticity in the underlying tissues. Additionally, youthful production of collagen and elastin supports the retention of youthful facial contours and fullness after a gentle lift. Consequently, facelift results achieved in one's 40s may be longer-lasting, reducing the frequency of necessary touch-up procedures.

Is Facelift a permanent procedure?

While a facelift can significantly reduce the visible signs of aging and rejuvenate your appearance, it cannot halt the natural aging process altogether.

  • The results of a full facelift generally maintain a youthful appearance for approximately 10 years or more.
  • Mini facelifts typically yield results lasting between 5 to 10 years.
  • A liquid facelift, which varies in duration from 1 to 2 years depending on the extent of correction needed and the types of fillers used.

During your consultation, we will evaluate the condition of your skin, discuss your objectives, and determine the most suitable facelift approach tailored to your needs.

What to expect after Facelift in Turkey?

1(Post Op Days 1 - 6)
After undergoing facelift surgery, upon awakening, you will likely find a large wrapping around your head aimed at minimizing swelling and bruising. Additionally, small drains may be in place temporarily to manage any fluid drainage. Initially, you may feel groggy and unsteady, particularly during the first 24 hours following the surgery.

The day after your procedure typically requires the most pain medication. By the second day, you will likely have a follow-up visit with your cosmetic surgeon. During this appointment, your surgeon will examine your incisions, assess swelling, change your surgical dressings, and remove any drains if necessary. While it's important to take it easy during the first seven days of recovery, most patients find themselves feeling well enough to move around their home within one to two days post-surgery.

Swelling and bruising tend to peak around three to four days after surgery. To help reduce swelling, it's recommended that you sleep with your head elevated on two pillows for the first two weeks. Maintaining this elevated position is crucial for an optimal recovery. By day four, you will likely no longer need pain medication, and swelling should begin to diminish. At this stage, it's beneficial to engage in light activities such as light housework to stimulate circulation and facilitate the recovery process.

2(Post Op Days 7 - 14)
In the second week following your surgery, it's common to experience ongoing swelling and bruising in the treated areas. While the swelling and bruising gradually diminish, it typically takes another one to two weeks for them to completely resolve. By the end of the second week, many individuals begin to feel more like their usual selves and often consider returning to work, though it's advisable to continue avoiding strenuous physical activities.
3(Post Op Days 15 - 30)
During the third and fourth weeks after your surgery, the removal of your sutures will occur, timed according to the procedure you underwent and your individual healing progress. While your sutures were in place, your incision sites might have appeared puckered or irregular, but once removed, they will start to smooth out. During weeks 3 and 4, residual swelling may still be present (which is normal and will diminish), but this is typically when patients begin to notice significant improvement in their facial appearance.
4(Post Op Days 30 & +)
By the time one month has passed since your surgery, it will be difficult for anyone to detect that you underwent cosmetic surgery, and you should resume normal activities with your refreshed appearance. It's important to note that minor swelling, tightness, and numbness may persist for up to a year, but these sensations are usually only noticeable to you. Keep in mind, the final results of your facelift will gradually become more apparent over the next 12 months. This timeframe allows for complete healing and enables you to observe the subtle transformations that enhance your rejuvenated appearance.

How much does it cost to have Facelift in Turkey?

  • Price Range in Turkey: 3.000 – 6.000 EUR
  • Price Range in UK: 9.000 - 30.000 GBP

  • Price Range in US: 10.000 - 30.000 USD

Why choose Elan to have Facelift in Turkey

At Elan, we understand the importance of providing exceptional care and support to our clients throughout their medical travel journey. When you choose Elan for Facelift, you can expect,

  • Access to renowned and experienced surgeons who specialize in Facial Plastic Surgeries.
  • State-of-the-art medical facilities equipped with advanced technology.
  • Personalized assistance with travel arrangements, accommodation, and post-operative care.
  • Affordable and transparent pricing options.
  • A dedicated team committed to ensuring your comfort, safety, and satisfaction.

Quick facts of Facelift in Turkey

  • Procedure: procedure that improves signs of aging in your face and/or neck by repositioning or removing skin, fat and/or muscle.
  • Duration: 3 to 6 hours
  • Stay: 1 night Hospital 6 nights Hotel Accomodation.
  • Anesthesia: General Anesthesia
  • Recovery: After 10-15 days can go back to work
  • Clothes to Wear: Comfortable clothes (sweatshirts, button-down or zipped shirt etc.)
  • List itemSide Effects: Facial nerve injury, numbness or changes in skin sensation
  • Exercise: After 3-4 weeks
  • Scars: No
  • Pain: Mild
  • Results: After 2 weeks, can feel the difference.
  • Combined Procedures: Blepharoplasty , Eyebrowlift , Neck lift